KnowYourStuffNZ, a drug harm reduction organisation, came across our video on overshadowing through connecting with us in a focus group. They shared the video on their blog post:

Honesty, doctors, and drugs

KnowYourStuffNZ’s blog post discusses how to recognise when overshadowing is happening and what to do to avoid it, with a GP’s perspective on how to be honest while also protecting yourself against overshadowing.

KnowYourStuffNZ address the lack of factual, proven information available to drug users about the substances they intend to take by providing drug checking and drug-related information at festivals, events, and city clinics.

The main driver behind their work is to avoid accidental overdose or drug toxicity from people consuming high-risk substances that have been sold to them as substances with a lower risk profile.

Disclaimer: The resource shared on this webpage reflects the work and views of the organisation that developed it. The resource does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Equally Well collaborative. We encourage you to consider the context and source of each resource independently.